Hi! My name is Deb and I have 2 children and live and work in rural Western Australia.
Little Wild Seeds was prompted and inspired by others’ interest in my writing on random topics, and with some encouragement from friends I decided to start this blog. Previously, I posted random ramblings on my private FB page to anyone who cared to listen 🙂
My passions are the environment and humanitarian issues, and of course, promoting kindness and encouraging love, inclusiveness and acceptance of ourselves and others.
My professional background is in desktop publishing, management, community development and town planning, and my academic background is in the environmental sciences, business, accounting and financial planning fields.
I am currently focusing my efforts on charitable, community and voluntary endeavours, and advocating for, and pursuing, meaningful change where I see the need. I will always speak up for those who are vulnerable, and for those who might not have the courage to do so without someone standing beside them.
I hope you enjoy my blog, take care friends 🙂